Sunday, 21 August 2011

Welcome to my Blog!

O.K my name is Neil Harvey but I’m mostly known as "buzz" due to a slight resemblance to the Toy Story character. I am 21 years old and from Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. Currently I work 3 nights a week in a casino which helps pays my rent, food (quite a large expense in my life) and beer. I learnt to play poker properly during my second year at college when I was 18 and I followed the same route as many people, a couple of local tourneys per week and got hooked. I then started to grind the live cash games around Newcastle, and somehow, without being very good at all I managed to make a decent amount of money, leading to me quitting my part time job at Morrison's and becoming a "professional" poker play if you like. I use that term very loosely, as for the 18 months that I was a "pro" nothing about me at all was professional. I jumped from game to game, MTT's to cash, live to online, without putting any serious volume in at all. Thanks to a couple of rather large binks (for an 18-19 year old) it didn’t matter as I had enough money to cover what I wanted to do in life - nothing. However, doing nothing is still bloody expensive, even when you’re still living at home with your parents, and my bankroll soon started to become pretty small, and I grew more and more frustrated with the game, which is the reason why I have hardly played over the last 6-9 months.
In this time, I decided to try and grow up a little bit by moving out of my family home for the first time and living with 3 very good friends of mine. Obviously I could not finance this with no income so I had to get a job, which I did at Circus Casino. The job itself is fairly easy and I get paid enough to comfortably cover rent/bills, and with only working 3 nights a week, I have plenty time left over to do what I want – nothing.
Anyway, to the point of this blog. I’m now beginning to feel like I want to start grinding again, and actually doing it properly this time. I have played a few sit and go/MTT sessions over the last couple of weeks, and I have actually quite enjoyed myself, and I also feel my temperament is a lot better than it used to be. So I feel as though I have a little bit of hunger inside me to play a decent amount of volume, and I’d like to use this blog to keep track of my progress, and also to hopefully motivate me to play more. I also hope I can keep this blog entertaining with a few stories from the flat and my life in general.
I have a very good staking deal with two absolutely superb Online MTT players “jambeyang” and “thawright” who are total sicko’s, and I feel are going to be a huge asset in improving my game further. I will mainly be playing multi table sit and goes, 18 mans and 45 mans, and also I’d like to play 1 full MTT schedule per week. I’m going to try and aim to play somewhere between 125-150 games per week. Now, this doesn’t seem like huge volume, but I will only be playing on my days off work, and all going well, it will serve as a second income to me. I will be playing on pokerstars under the very creative screen name of “neilharvey22”.
Thanks you for reading my first post, hopefully it won’t be so boring in the future!!


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